Monday, October 22, 2012



It’s been a long time that I haven’t written a blog since last year. A lot of things happened for sure. Too many things, too many stories I had experienced since 2010. In short, my decision in 2010 to pursue a master degree in Taiwan instead of career at Bank of Tokyo in Jakarta, had changed my life. Some people might be disappointed with my decision. Working at one of the biggest bank by assets in the world should secure my future and career. However, I have a bigger picture of my future. There are some dreams that I wanted to reach since I graduated from Bachelor degree. And working is not the option. I always wanted to see the world. Study abroad perhaps the most reasonable purpose to see, experience and gain knowledge from different country when working abroad is rather more difficult unless you are willing to do a labor job. Right after I graduated, I tried to apply for a scholarship to study for a master degree in Japan. I don’t know why, but at the time I was very confidence that I would get the scholarship. And well… I didn’t get the scholarship. Thereafter, I tried again in the following year, but still with the same result. Japan with its Monbukagakusho Program was not the only country I was trying to go. I have tried Australia (ADS), Netherland (Nuffic), Europe (Erasmus Mundus), Germany (DAAD) and some other scholarship to study abroad provided by Indonesian government (Depkominfo and DIKTI). Well, when my hope was deteriorated, I got an information about studying in Taiwan. I didn’t expect much even though I saw an opportunity to get a scholarship either from the university or Taiwanese government. And….. it started to be a big hope as soon as I socialize with a lot of foreigners from Couchsurfing. I felt it to be exciting and enriching my life. And then, I was gambled a little bit when I faced a decision whether to accept or dump the offer from Bank of Tokyo while I haven’t been accepted yet in National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, and al thought they could accept me, I was not sure about the scholarship. In the end, sacrifices are equal with the gain. 1 week after I dumped the offer from Bank of Tokyo, I got an acceptance letter from National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, with the scholarship. So…. Here I am, now, in Taiwan for more than 2 years. About 2 months after my official graduation date, I got a job in Taipei :) and probably another year in Taiwan…..