Monday, December 28, 2009

Nihon no Matsuri 3

Nihon no Matsuri 3

In the end of the days in 2009, happily there is a Japanese event in my hometown. After very long time not attended this kind of event, I am very anxious to attend it and hoped to have a good show. And WOW……it wasn’t only me…..i think every japans lover has been waiting for this event… there are a lot of people gather on the stage… this is unusual for a Japanese event, considering it hasn’t been very popular though many people already know about it.

I came to the event at 2 pm and ended the party at 9 pm. It sure very interesting… there are a lot of people doing cosplay… far more than last year event. I am so excited and started to take my photos and shoot on some pretty objects…. So here they are….

And this one is my favorite... as usual.... hehehe...


What do you think about all those photos??? Great isn't it (exaggerating)???

Well beside all of the cosplayers, this event becoming very hillarious by the performace of cosplaye cabaret. In this show.... a group of cosplayers doing a cabaret. The theme decided by their own and also the story. This show is amazing and able to make me standing still for about 3 hours.....

I really love japanese event.... well... because I am a fans of japanese entertainment... hehe.... I hope there are more to come so I can have fun..

Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy Birthday !

Happy Birthday !

Ahhh.... finally I am 23 this year... shitt... getting older from time to time while there is not soo much things have been done. I feel like really useless and non productive. But more importantly.... I have no motivation in doing anything. It is magnificently make me lazy and bored with my current life. Hell yeah i am bored right now..... but anyway2.... there is always something good and something bad in our life. And yepp.... stilll.... there is something good in my current life. Started with my internet cafe and my social life. Thank God .... by creating an internet cafe I found many new friends. Many new friends that supporting me and share happiness and sadness together. This internet cafe gave me many new experience.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The story of 2008

Hullo r u??? hope u r still at your best.....

OMG it's 2009...... the time flows so fast......

What have we done in 2008 and what will we done in 2009???

For me... almost most of the month in 2008 is filled with emptiness and ineffectiveness. However, 2008 is also the time where I put my dreams to become realization. 2008...hmm... what should I is so much fun at the beginning of the year, nothing that I can accomplish in the middle of the year, and full of challenge at the end of the year. Simply said, the things that is interesting in 2008 is in the beginning and in the end. In the beginning of the year, alhamdulillah I have finished the fifth pillar of islam, which is going for hajj. And also I was really enjoy to have an experience working in Saudi Arabia and traveling around Saudi Arabia. I was also having a good time traveling from Saudi Arabia to Singapore, visiting my cousin and watching some babes wearing hot pants ….(OMG I am hajj already.....ehehehe...)... and then traveling to Malaysia... also to visit my cousin and having fun. So much fun in the beginning of the year 2008, although I was celebrated the new year in Jeddah International Airport with my red uniform and sit in front of computer, waiting and serving the customer. I was earning so many experience and also confidence in dealing with people.

Once I get back from my long journey in Saudi Arabia – Singapore – Malaysia, I got the news which is quite bugging me. A friend of mine who consider joining me to build an internet coffee is resigning. He said, her mom needs the money to strengthen her business. I was quite frustrated at that time, but soon I can handle the problem. Create an internet cafe, is one of my dream. The things that I shouldn't give up before I can accomplish it. After failed taking my friend as my partner, I met my elementary friend. And amazingly he is in photography business and internet cafe business. At that time I was feeling so lucky to be able to meet him, but later it was only wasting of time for me. Yup... this elementary friend who almost join me in creating our new internet cafe is also turning his back and failed me. I was filled with anger at that time and also almost desperate in realizing my dream. But then... my dad keep on supporting me and ask me to go open the internet cafe with a few money that I get from the bank. Thanks to my cousin who made this happened. So... one after another happened, so many obstacle, but finally I was able to open my very own internet cafe on 25th of September 2008. I named it knew why did I put that name didn't you? Ehehee.....

Then..... the story goes on..... I still remember how much did I earned for the very first time I opened It was around Rp.20.000,- … hmm... cruel wasn't it??? That's business..... but now days our brutto a day can reach 10 times greater than the first time. But still... that did not satisfied me. We haven't reached our target. It was all alone the fist time I built the internet cafe. And very much tiring. But above all, I was really happy and optimistic that I can gain success from this. It was only 6 computers for the client at first. I need investors to grow up my business. I still believe that someday there is an investor who invest his/ her money in the internet cafe. And thanks to Allah in the second month, I met my neighbor and an angel who decided to be my investor. The greatest thing is I am still be the majority above them. By the way, before my neighbor and the angel invested their money on me, there has been several person who offered me to be my investor. One of them is Bubun. He is a great person with great characteristic and great history of life. He is really an interesting person. One of a kind that rare to find in my life. When he was young he went through the dark side of the life. Amazingly he can escape from it and able to manage himself to the shining world. He is a big guy who love to laugh and always speak with a loud voice. He is also a big guy who experienced a complicated relationship. He is party maker. An easy going person who love most and hate most by people around. He is the fist customer who offered himself to invest on me. But then, because of many things, rather than investing for the computer, he choose to invest a refrigerator and put many softdrinks to sell with some compensation with me. He also put some cigarettes to sell in

When I create, I have a big hope that I could create a community who loves japanese entertainment where the member loves to stay at Slow but sure, the dreams is about to happen. Beside Bubun, there is another customer who always come to and I acknowledge them as miyuki's knight. Currently there has been 5 knights. Knight of 1 is Bubun, knight of 2 is Bram, knight of 3 is R, knight of 4 is Tuba and knight of 5 is Aboyz. I have told you a little bit about bubun, now I wanna tell you about our knight of 2, Bram. He is a person that I met after I go back from my long journey. An ex-girlfriend of a friend of mine who introduce him to me. The first expression about him is a filthy rich big guy. But then, later, I knew that He is just the same person as me. He is like bubun, a big guy. He is a big guy who has a big dream in this big world. He is an interesting person with good personality, and currently is one of my best pal. He experienced working in Japan for about 2 years. He is the only knight that able to speak japanese language fluently. He is also a fans of Manchester United that I hate so much. In my point of view, he is a simple minded person. The other knight, knight of 3, R, is the only female among us. She is a tall girl. She is a girl who loves her family than any other things in this world. Ooopppss... sorry I was wrong... there is a boy whom she loves soo much.. hehehee... her life is full with dilemma. Our first met was ordinary, but the next time she went visiting me was extraordinary. She can't help herself to talk about her boyfriend. And the following time she visited me, the topic always started with the story about her boyfriend. And then it happaned to there was the time that knight of 1, knight of 2 and her came to together. And that was the beginning of our happy life at Ok... now let's talk about knight of 4 and knight of 5. These 2 knights are a friend of knight of 2 who also loves japanese things. Knight of 4 is also a big guy. He is a guy who able to talk properly. With Bubun and Bram, I named them 'BBB' which stand for 'Badan Badan Besar' in english it is the same with 'Big Big Guy'. 'BBB' is also an acronym of 3 of them. Bubun Bram and Bagus. When 3 of them gather at one place, no matter how big u r, u will feel that u r small.... ehehehee.....That's our 4th knight. The last knight....even tough we knew each other only in a short time, but I feel that he is a person whom I can get along with. He is interesting.

I have so much fun at And it was like a blessed for me in the end of the year 2008. Oh yup.... there is one story left...... of course it is still about One day, there is a person who came to when we were about to close. He was asking about how the internet is able to give him a wide information about cooking, airplane, and tourism. He talked much and I knew that all the things that he talked is a lie. Yup.. that was our first meet with this region virus called win32.adnan. He always talking big and bothering other person. He is a type of person that simply annoying. But people consider to be patient about his presence because people knew that he is sick. Rumor said that he has been sick since he was in high school. And when we met him, he was already 44 years old.... wow..... great isn't it??? people see him as a crazy person. But for me... he is just an autism. I feel pity for him. People see him as if he is not a normal person and also garbage of society. Yup, I admit he is not a normal person, but I don't think he is a garbage of society. He is just a victim of a rotten society. Since he was in junior high, he has been introduce into alcohol and the night life and might be drugs also. Since a kid he himself admit that there is something wrong with him plus.. he has a great pal named alcohol. That things really disappointing his parents. And it cause a big fight between his parents and him almost everyday. That's affecting his psychological behavior. Well.... yes he is annoying and consider not normal, but sometimes he can bring a good time and bring a good story to talk with, in Now.. he is taking to hospital for proper hospitalization, so he will not bother other people anymore and did not disgrace his family anymore. Hope he will be cure and be a normal and good person.